When: Monday, August 21, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM EDT
Contact: Iris Phillips, Women Business Leaders Forum Chair
Defense Alliance of North Carolina (DANC) 919-604-2685
Where: Cape Fear Community College, N Building, Room 202
411 North Front Street, Wilmington, NC 28401
Women Business Leaders (WBL) Forum in partnership with NC State University Industry Expansion Solutions (IES)
Secretary of the NC Department of Commerce, Machelle Baker Sanders keynote presenter.
The mission of DANC-WBL is simple: EMPOWER Women Business Leaders in the Defense Industry with the following goals in mind:
Be Intentional about the growth of our business
Work on our business rather than in it
Sharpen our skills as business leaders
Look at the big picture and best business practices
Encourage each other
Elevate other women through our own connections
Create Networking opportunities and collaboration
Adapt creative sales and marketing strategies