This office has been a strong supporter and participants of the Planning Committee for aiding and assisting the Homeless Veterans in the Wilmington area. There has been an increase in the number of veterans served each year at the Wilmington Stand Down and with the unemployment and housing shortage this year we anticipate another increase this year. For the past years we have been able to add more services at the stand down and we see even more services being added this year. In the past years we have had Dentist come in and do dental exams, medical screening, HIV testing, haircuts, free meals, clothes, personal hygiene kits, ordering DD214’s online for our veterans, veteran services for claims, entertainment, free phone calls from one of our area cell phone companies, personal hygiene kits and bags with crackers, soups, water, clean socks, and personal hygiene kits. This year we will have the same services and are hoping to add financial counseling and other health services.
Monteith (Monte') Suggs, GCDF
Hybrid Veteran Career Employment Service Consultant II
1994 S. 17th St.
Wilmington, NC 28401
(cell) 919-710-3139
(office) 910-945-6905