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Sep 1 SUP Virtual Veterans Coffee

  • Charlotte, NC United States (map)

Virtual Veterans Coffee

September 1, 2021, 9:00 – 10:30 am  ET

Host: Don Timmons, Community Partnership & Veterans Support Coordinator

Robert Garcia, Account Executive, Trellis Supportive Care

Katherine Ross,  Administrative Assistant, Clinical Services, Trellis Supportive Care


  • Welcome: Don Timmons

  • A few minutes of Veteran attendee interaction (feel free to say hello to your fellow Veteran attendees)

  • Announcements of other Veteran events and opportunities

    • Advance Directives workshop for Veterans and family members, Tuesday, September 14, beginning at 10:00 am. (FREE) RSVP to

    • Trellis Supportive Care Grief Counseling program (FREE to Veterans, their family members and the community) Information: 336 331-1300

  • Introduction and update for the Veterans Trellis Supportive Care mission – Ginnie White, Sr. VP Clinical Operations, or Anita Ford, VP Clinical Services

  • Joe Vaughn (US Navy Veteran): Director W.G. (Bill) Hefner VA Medical Center. Joe will bring us up to date on VA News and his insight into the VA mission of serving Veterans.

  • Mini-presentations: 3 – 5 minute presentations from various organizations that provide support and activities for Veterans and their families.

    • Terry Snyder (Founder/Chief Asking Officer/Proud Volunteer): Operation North State. Operation North State needs about 5,000 sq ft of donated warehouse space in the Winston-Salem area to stage their holiday mission of serving active Military members and the Veteran community. Terry will explain.

    • Dr. Justin Johnson (US Army Reserves): Dir. Veterans Services, Hopeway.

    • Lauren Costello: Statewide Training Coordinator, Brain Injury Association of NC

    • Anthony Bradley (US Army Veteran), Asst. Professor Military Science, WFU, WSSU & Salem College.

  • Time permitting, always interesting self-introductions by some of our Veteran attendees, especially Veterans who are with us for the first time.

  • Q&A

  • Next Trellis Supportive Care virtual Veterans Coffee: Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 9:00 – 10:30 am

  • We will keep the CHAT link open after the official meeting to allow time for you to browse the CHAT BOX to gather contact and other information.

  • Close

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