PLEASE RSVP NOW, It will help us plan a better event for YOU!
The Trellis Supportive Care
Spring Veterans “Drive Through” Appreciation Lunch
Thursday, June 10, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Truist Baseball Park, Winston-Salem
Home of the Winston-Salem DASH Baseball Team
ALL Veterans are invited to Join us for a FREE Lunch
Family Members and/or your drivers will also receive a free lunch.
The 77th Anniversary of D-Day is June 6.
Help us reach out to WWII Veterans and invite them to be a part of this special event.
Please RSVP ASAP so we can plan for the amount of food and other things we will need.
Click on this EMAIL Address to RSVP:
In the Subject box, put RSVP and how many will be with you in your vehicle.
(We Don’t Even Need Your Name, Just A Number of Attendees With You)