Step Up for PTSD Awareness Virtual Walk
Register for our Virtual Walk Today!
This year we will be hosting a virtual walk: Step Up for PTSD Awareness.
We invite you to walk, roll, cycle, run or any activity of your choice for 27 minutes during the month of June in honor of PTSD Awareness Day, June 27.
Show your support and follow these easy steps:
Start by registering for the Virtual Walk. You will receive an email with instructions to download and print our race bib.
Pin on your bib and get moving!
Take a photo of yourself doing a physical activity, such as walking, running, biking, rolling, or swimming.
Post your photo on social media and tag the National Center for PTSD.
Instagram: @stepupforptsd
Facebook: @VAPTSD
Twitter: @VA_PTSD_Info
Invite your family and friends! Share our website, poster and social media images.