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May 23-Jun 5 FIT VALOR GAMES SOUTHEAST 2021 Remote Cycling Time Trial 

  • Charlotte, NC United States (map)

VALOR GAMES SOUTHEAST 2021 Remote Cycling Time Trial 

In order for more Veteran and Service Members living with disability to participate in VGSE21 activities during the month of May, Bridge II Sports would like to invite you to participate in our VGSE21 Veteran Remote Cycling Time Trial starting Sunday, May 23rd 2021 and running through Saturday, June 5th 2021.    You can register to participate in one of the following Time Trial categories.

Hand Cycle 13K

Hand Cycle 20K

Recumbent Cycle 13K

Recumbent Cycle 20K

Tandem Cycle 13K

Tandem Cycle 20K

Upright Cycle 13K

Upright Cycle 20K


You will have 2 weeks to complete your individual race at the time and place of your choosing during those two weeks.

All Participants will receive a free participation T-shirt.  

You must have your own equipment or find equipment to borrow.  

Registration for this event will be open from now untill May 1st 2021.   To sign up for the VGSE21 Veteran Remote Cycling Time Trial, please click on the link below. It will take you to the registration page. This is open to any Veteran or Service Member living with a disability.

We will be using the "Its Your Race" platform to run this race.  Cyclist can download this app for free on their IPhone and Android devices. More instructions will be provided to those that register.  
