Military Officers Assn of America (MOAA) 2021 JROTC Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament to be held on October 8th at Olde Sycamore Golf Plantation.
As you all know, we had to cancel the tournament in 2020, but still were able to provide three $ 2,000 scholarships in May 2021 to deserving JROTC cadets in the greater Charlotte area. Success for the October 2021 tournament is critical in rebuilding our scholarship fund so that we may award a larger number of scholarships for the 2021-2022 academic year.
We, once again, ask for your participation as an individual golfer ($110) or team member. The team cost is $ 440 or your organization can be a team tee/green sponsor for $500. Premium level sponsorships are still available.
Ron Morgan and Ron Wilsbach - Tournament Co-Chairs for the Charlotte-Metrolina Chapter of MOAA