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Nov 9 VOL Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Charlotte

Greyshirts Needed for Neighbors Helping Neighbors 

WHERE: Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina 

DATE:  Every Monday starting November 9, 2020 through December 31, 2020  

TIME: 9am-12pm 

WHAT:  Loaves & Fishes provides a week’s supply of nutritionally balanced groceries for an entire family. Due to Covid-19, they are handing out pre-packed 7-day food boxes through mobile pantries.

EXPECTED WORK TO BE PERFORMED: Volunteers will sort, inspect, and/or pack non-perishable food items for distribution to individuals and families in need through emergency food pantries around Mecklenburg County.  You must be able to lift boxes up to 25 lbs each. 

PPE: Greyshirts are required to bring own cloth masks per TR guidelines.  Gloves are optional, as your level of comfort with the work may be different than that of the required PPE.  Standard precautions including hand hygiene, physical distancing, and cleaning surfaces.  Loaves & Fishes are limiting their shifts to a maximum of 10 people so we can appropriately socially distance.  

 ATTIRE: Wear your Greyshirt and close toed shoes. You will be in a warehouse so dress accordingly. 

 You can sign up by emailing your interest to, including the dates in which you are interested and your phone number. Please be aware there is no mileage or other cost reimbursement from Team Rubicon for this opportunity. You must have completed a background check to participate. 

 Contact if you have questions. 

 Let’s help our neighbors and GSD in Charlotte! 

Kathy Cook
Charlotte Metro Planning Deputy
(M) 952-250-2978
Team Rubicon | BUILT TO SERVE
CFC #59162

Southeast Territory

Region IV (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)