In 2019, two local churches participated in a pilot program offered through the VA Mental Health and Chaplaincy program. Following this pilot, Providence United Methodist identified members of the church interested in being a part of a council focused on growing a ministry for Military and Veteran families. See blurb from the church’s newsletter below.
Providence United Methodist has a Stephen’s Ministry Program and will be working with the VA to create a pilot that identifies ways this group can support military and veterans families in 2020!
Providence United Methodist is hosting a meeting on January 8th, 0830-10a, during which they will explore ideas for ministry that can make a difference for service member and veteran families.
Engaging faith communities in a public health approach to reduce suicide remains a priority of this working group for 2020!
"Creating a Place to Call Home"
A pilot committee met for four weeks in June to view and discuss a 4-part video series called "Creating a Place to Call Home." PUMC was one of fifteen churches in the country to take part in this program under the guidance of the Durham Veterans Administrative office. By viewing and discussing the videos and completing surveys, the committee provided valuable research information to the VA but more importantly, discovered the potential PUMC has for addressing the needs of the veteran population, particularly those with PTSD.
If you are interested in exploring how PUMC can reach out and make a difference in the lives of veterans and their families in our church and the greater community, mark your calendar and stay tuned for further details or contact Linda Phillips at