Veterans, Spiritual Care, and You: A Community Clergy Training Program Event S
AVE THE DATE! SATURDAY, 25 January 2020 (9AM-3PM)
Durham VA Medical Center Ground Floor, Canteen Atrium (AG000B) 508 Fulton Street Durham, NC 27705
Who: Durham/Raleigh-area clergy (Free, Limited to 30 Registrants)
What: Many Veterans are likely to turn to clergy before seeking mental health treatment. This event will provide community clergy with information/training on mental health issues often faced by Veterans, led by subject matter experts.
Topics will include: 1) Experiential Avoidance and Mental Health Interventions 2) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Moral Injury 3) Suicide Prevention, Safety Planning, and the Veterans Crisis Line (VCL) 4) How to refer Veterans for VA care Questions:
Chaplain Ryan Parker
Suicide Prevention is Everyone’s Business. #BeThere.