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Apr 23-May 1 SUP Troops to Teachers Application period

The National Humanities Center has received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities for our project titled Troops to Teachers: Helping Communities and Classrooms Understand the Military Experience.   

Recruiting up to thirty current K-12 teachers from North Carolina and Virginia who are also veterans of one of the four branches of the U.S. Armed Forces.  This cohort will attend a five-day institute on June 17-21, 2019 at the Center in order to learn how to use literature to understand the military experience. They will focus on five themes, invite authors and poets and literary scholars to discuss, and then ask each participant to design a project for their schools or communities that explore the military experience.    In May 2020, this cohort will return to the Center to share their project work and to prepare it for sharing with other schools and teachers across the two states.

Currently accepting applications from interested educators until May 1.  The information for the program and application process can be found here:

Earlier Event: April 23