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Feb 8 SUP Union Cty Vet Resource Program, Monroe

Hospice of Union County and Union County Veterans Services is hosting a

Veterans Resource Program designed to provide access to information, services

and resources for veterans and their families. As your local hometown hospice, we

are proud to serve those who have served our country.

DATE / TIME Friday, February 8, 2019 | 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.

WHERE South Piedmont Community College (4209 Old Charlotte Hwy., Monroe)

PROGRAM AGENDA 8:30 to 9 a.m. Breakfast & Resource Tables Open

9 to 9:15 a.m. Welcome & Military Recognition

9:15 to 10:15 a.m. Veteran Resource Presentations, including

Audiology Benefits, Consumer Protection and

Alzheimer’s Disease Support

10:15 to 11:30 a.m. Resource Tables Open

Door prizes announced throughout the program.

COST FREE for veterans & families

VENDOR REGISTRATION $50 for for-profit agencies | No cost for not-for-profit or government offices

Vendor applications due by January 18, 2019 | 980-993-7306
