Charlotte Military Hiring Expo at the NASCAR Hall of Fame
Tuesday, September 11, 2018 - 8:30am to 6:30pm
NASCAR Hall of Fame, 400 E M.L.K. Jr Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28202
See map: Google Maps
At our Charlotte Hiring Expo at the NASCAR Hall of Fame, you’re invited to connect directly with recruiters and hiring managers from local and national companies of all sizes. Please scroll down to see the full agenda.
This event is free and is open to active duty service members, Guard and Reserve, veterans, and military spouses.
Employers: Learn how to make the most of Hiring Our Heroes events here.
► Employers and Service Organizations: Register here.
► Job Seekers: Register here.
Why register? Job seekers can upload their resumes to be viewed by employers ahead of the event.
If you have any other questions, please visit our FAQ page.
Resume Engine is the quickest and easiest way to send your resume to employers at the hiring expo. Translate your military experience and build a powerful resume today at
This hiring event is being conducted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Veterans Bridge Home, Sealed Air, and other local partners. For more information on our hiring events, click here.
Event Flyer1.47 MB