Event Name: “Letters from the Trenches: Dear Kit”
Event Date and time frame: Nov. 1,2,3, 1930hrs; Nov. 4, 1400hrs
Event Location: St. John’s Baptist Church/Broach Hall (300 Hawthorne Lane); parking in the rear
Very brief Description: Captain N. H. Massie fought in the War to end all wars to capture the heart of the woman he loved. We hope our show captures your heart and your imagination. We hope that our efforts inspire a new found admiration and appreciation for those men and women who have served, fought, survived and died for the ideals upon which our great country was founded.
Web site or POC info: www.hardinminorletters.com
Cost: FREE, donations accepted to benefit Veteran’s Bridge Home, St. John’s Baptist Church/Affordable Housing Fund, and the Elizabeth Community Association