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Oct 2 SUP Mental Illness Research Education, Charlotte

  • Queens University of Charlotte (map)

  All selected individuals will receive a scholarship to attend, which includes:
  - online MC-101 training (IVMF/PsychArmor) to be completed prior to attending the daylong/in-person training on October 2nd
  - attendance at the Oct 2nd training (9am-7pm), which includes attendance at a Theater of War event (3pm-5pm) and all meals.

  Please feel free to send this invitation to individuals who work with Veterans (HR/Business Leaders and mental health providers) and anyone else that might be interested in attending the training. Here is a video from a previous training session- Here is a video describing Theater of War-

  Please have interested individuals complete the application and baseline evaluation at the following link as soon as possible. We will inform selected applicants approximately one week prior to October 2nd and provide them login information for the online training. To assist in the evaluation of the training, we will request that all selected and non-selected individuals complete three different surveys.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Joseph Geraci, LMHC, PhD
Resilience Center for Veterans & Families
Teachers College, Columbia University

Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center COE (VISN 2S)
Education and Clinical Practice

James J. Peters VA Medical Center
130 W Kingsbridge Rd, Bronx, NY 10468
Lieutenant Colonel (Retired, Infantry), US Army
cell- (859) 630-5975