Welcome Home, Hickory Metro Veterans event: unique weekend planning for transitioning vets and their families, Friday, Sept. 15 – Sunday, Sept. 17.
lease use this website to register for and learn more about the weekend’s plans, but quickly some of the highlights: https://www.welcome-hky-metro.org/
For the first 50 vet & family registrants, we are offering a hotel for 2 nights, a $50 gas card, all local transport, fun excursions and all meals (minus Saturday's dinner, on your own)
Pre-matched job interviews for vets & spouses with a wide variety of Hickory Metro companies
A great selection of fun, local adventures for you or your family to enjoy
Meet & learn about some great non-profits, schools, networks and other local resources you might want to plug into from Day 1
Learn why we think this place is pretty special and a perfect fit for you and your family.
Register for Lodging & Excursions
Register for the NC4ME Hiring Fair
Learn more about the Hickory Metro