The Bull City Stand Down (BCSD) is an annual 1-day event dedicated to providing resources and services to homeless men and women who have served in any branch of the military. During the event, the BCSD brings service providers, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Local Veteran’s Employment Representatives (LVERs), Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program Specialists (DVOPS), housing specialists, local non-profit organizations, and community-based organizations, the faith-based community and employment specialists.
A wide range of services offered include meals, personal hygiene kits, the dental bus, health care screenings (HIV/AIDS, TB, Hepatitis C, mammograms, agent orange, and blood pressure), showers, haircuts, substance abuse counseling/recovery groups; mental health counseling or referrals, immunizations, legal services and tax assistance.
Please join us at this year’s Bull City Stand Down on Friday, September 15, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the National Guard Armory and the Durham County Memorial Stadium.