Veterans Benefits and Health Administrations, Vet Center, and County Veterans Service Offices representatives will assist with:
- Face-to-face explanation and assistance facilitating and expediting existing claims and appeals
- Filing new claims
- Providing information regarding benefit-related VA programs: VRE, education, home loans, insurance, and burial benefits
- Answering health care eligibility questions
- Bereavement and military sexual trauma counseling
- Substance abuse and mental health screening
Veterans will be seen on a first come first serve basis
- Veterans Benefits
- Veterans Healthcare
- Veterans Services
- Housing Providers
- Education Providers
- Employment Providers
- Employers
- Legal Services
- And other community providers
Information Sessions
- Women Veterans
- Agent Orange
- Camp Lejeune
- Contaminated Water
- National Guard/Reserve Benefits
- GI Bill
- VA Home Loans